Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Big Cat Pepper kindness

There have been a couple nice new reviews for Big Cat Pepper:A spread from WNC Parent Magazine, February 2010 issue (click to enlarge).

Also, a very kind review from the cool Canadian blog, Books r Fun!


Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hey Girly!!!! It's been a long while,but I was so proud to see your avatar looking at me he he he he he! How are you??/ Hope that all is well with you and that you are busy, busy, busy. I sure am. You banner always. always makes me long for Brooklyn like in the best way! Your work is just awesome just like you he he he he! Thanks so much for stopping buy! Please know that it means so much to me that you did!
Take care

Shirley said...

Congratulations! Wonderful work you do, Lauren!

Lauren Castillo said...

Thanks, Ladies! I'm glad you dropped by :)